Unfavorables | Novel Cover Design | Salty Pixel Creative
Unfavorables | Novel Cover Design | Salty Pixel Creative
Unfavorables | Novel Cover Design | Salty Pixel Creative
Unfavorables | Novel Cover Design | Salty Pixel Creative

Unveiling a Dark Future: Salty Pixel Designs Captivating Cover for “Unfavorables”

To transport readers into the chilling world of “Unfavorables,” a dystopian novel exploring a future controlled by a ruthless social credit system, author J.M. Butcher sought the creative expertise of Salty Pixel Creative. Their design team rose to the challenge, crafting a cover image that perfectly embodies the novel’s dark and suspenseful atmosphere. But they didn’t stop there. Salty Pixel went a step further, translating Butcher’s vision into a cohesive website that seamlessly complements the visual identity established on the cover. This unified approach creates a captivating web presence that undoubtedly enhances the reader’s experience. From the moment they land on the website, readers are drawn deeper into the world of “Unfavorables,” fueled by anticipation for the story within.